Missed Pacman 30th Anniversary? Learn Everything You Missed

Missed Pacman 30th Anniversary Learn Everything You Missed

Namco Limited from Japan released the Pacman video game on May 22, 1980. At that time, this classic game was enjoyed by people of all ages. As this game is adored by a myriad of people from all over the world, Bandai Namco decided to release its special edition named Pacman 30th anniversary on May 21, 2010.  So, what are the latest updates in the Pacman 30th anniversary? What made this game still popular among people? Let’s figure out the special features and latest updates of the Pacman 30th anniversary.

What Made the Pacman 30th Anniversary Special?

The Pacman 30th anniversary is a video game that is simple to understand and has amazing graphics. This version of the game includes a new Pacman skin, advanced levels and bonus stuff as well. The best part about this latest anniversary edition is that it now looks better on full screen.

This latest version provides extraordinary quality. Now, the players can experience better sound quality and visuals for a superior gaming adventure. In the latest version, all the players can set new targets and reach more advanced levels.

The amazing thing for the old players is that they can have that classic feel while playing this game because it gives that original game look whether it is assembled from the ground. If you have missed playing this latest edition of Pacman, make sure to give it a try. Believe us, you will truly love it.

How to play the Pacman 30th anniversary?

If you haven’t played the Pacman 30th anniversary video game before, here are some quick tips that will help you out:

Step 1: Open the game, start it and eat fruits appearing on the screen to increase your scores rapidly.

Step 2: There will be some dots scattered in various places. Collect these dots. Doing so will temporarily disable ghosts. You can catch these blud ghosts to acquire more points. Be careful as these ghosts will be activated again in a very short time.

Step 3: You will just get 3 lives. Make sure to gather all the dots before you lose them all.

Ghost characters in Pacman 30th anniversary

Here are the English names and the nicknames of the ghost character in the latest edition of Pacman:

  • A red coloured ghost named ‘Shadow’ with a cute nickname as ‘Blinky’.
  • A pink coloured ghost named ‘Speedy’ with a cute nickname as ‘Pinky’.
  • A Cyan coloured ghost named ‘Bashful’ with a cute nickname as ‘Inky’.
  • An Orange coloured ghost named ‘Pokey’ with a cute nickname as ‘Clyde’.

Pacman’s History

If you have a look at the past of Pacman, you will get to know that this amazing video game has sailed through a number of improvements and amendments to become a favorite game of people of all ages. As stated above, this original version of Pacman was manufactured more than three decades ago. The manufacturer Namaco limited made consistent efforts and updated it from time to time to make it the best online game ever. He didn’t want to let Pacman come in the category of Violated video games. That’s why he considered all the little things and worked in detail to make this game notable among both men and women.

Slowly and gradually with the latest updates, Pacman became a remarkable game and was renowned because of its simple design, low hardware requirement, easy to use interface and better quality. Although this game was released as something very simple, now, it has become a significant part of the lives of a plethora of people. You will be amazed to know that Pacman has presently 100 variations that could be seen in clothing and video games. Its popularity was the major reason for celebrating the occasion of its 30th anniversary.

Let’s Play

So, that was all about Pacman’s 30th anniversary, the reason to celebrate this occasion and the latest updates. We hope you have enjoyed reading this article and are now eager to play this wonderful game. Stay tuned for more such informative blogs.


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