Boosting Your Fertility: Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle


The good news about fertility is that you don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be a little better than you were before. And even small changes can make a big difference, since it’s not like your body begins at pregnancy and ends with childbirth: It goes on for years after that. If you think about it that way, then making small changes in your diet or exercising more often—even if it doesn’t seem like it would help much—could give you the boost you need to get pregnant faster and reduce your risk of miscarriage later in pregnancy.

Get Moving

When your body is in motion, it’s more likely to release hormones that help improve your fertility. Exercise also helps you lose weight and even sleep better, which can make a huge difference when it comes to getting pregnant. Plus, regular exercise can boost a woman’s self-esteem–and there’s no doubt that feeling good about yourself will only make the process of trying for a baby even more enjoyable. There are many linked skin diseases which can cause infertility so whenever something feels wrong do consult a good skin specialist to treat the problem timely. 

There are many types of exercise that are safe during pregnancy. If you haven’t been exercising regularly before becoming pregnant, start small–walking around the block or doing some basic stretches will get your heart rate up and get those endorphins flowing. And remember: if at any point during this process something doesn’t feel right for you physically or emotionally, talk with your doctor about making adjustments as needed so that both mommy and baby stay healthy throughout this exciting time in life!

Eat Right and Avoid Processed Foods

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid processed foods.
  • Avoid refined sugar, trans fats, saturated fats (i.e., butter), sodium (salt) and alcohol.
  • Taking good multivitamins on regular basis can also boost fertility.

Quit Smoking or Never Start

One of the most important lifestyle changes you can make is to quit smoking. Smoking is bad for your health in many ways, but it’s particularly harmful when it comes to infertility. Smoking can reduce a woman’s fertility by up to 50 percent and cause miscarriage, birth defects and low birth weight babies. In men, smoking causes infertility by reducing sperm count and mobility–which means that if you’re trying to get pregnant with assisted reproductive technology (ART), such as IVF or IUI (intrauterine insemination), then quitting may be even more important than if you were planning on conceiving naturally!

There are so many reasons why people choose not to start smoking: they don’t want cancer; they don’t want heart disease; they don’t want emphysema… But did you know that one of these reasons should be “so I can have kids”?

Manage Stress

Stress can have a negative impact on fertility. Stress can make it harder to get pregnant, and it can also cause you to have a miscarriage. When you’re stressed, your body releases cortisol and adrenaline, which are both hormones that affect your reproductive system. These hormones increase blood sugar levels in the body–which may not be good for the quality of your eggs–and lower progesterone (a hormone that plays an important role in ovulation).

This means that if you’re having trouble getting pregnant or carrying a baby full-term, managing stress may help improve your chances of conception as well as ensure an easier pregnancy once you do conceive!

Have a Healthy Weight

  • Losing weight is one of the best ways to help you get pregnant.
  • Exercise is key to a healthy weight and body transformation, so make sure you’re getting enough exercise each week.
  • Eat healthy foods and avoid processed foods as much as possible.
  • Don’t diet; instead focus on eating right by making healthy choices in the food that you eat each day.  Don’t go on a crash diet because these can harm fertility if done incorrectly or too quickly (and they don’t work long term anyway). If you want to lose weight, talk with your doctor first about how best to do so safely without affecting fertility negatively!

Take a look at your weight.

If you’re trying to conceive, it’s important to keep your weight in check. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), women who are overweight or obese have a harder time getting pregnant than those at a healthy weight. Women who are overweight or obese also have an increased risk of miscarriage.

  • Women with a BMI over 30 are more likely than women with BMIs between 25 and 29.9 to experience fertility problems like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which affects one in ten American women ages 15-44 and can cause irregular menstrual cycles, infertility and gestational diabetes during pregnancy.
  • The good news? Losing just 5 percent of your body weight can improve your chances of getting pregnant by 50 percent.
  • And if you’re already planning on having children but haven’t gotten around to starting yet? Don’t worry–there’s still plenty you can do now to boost your fertility later on down the line!

Ditch bad habits.

You may be surprised to learn that there are some habits that can harm your fertility. Smoking and drinking alcohol, for example, can damage sperm quality and quantity. Also avoid drugs like cocaine or heroin because they can cause abnormalities in the sperm cells.

Avoid unhealthy foods as well–you might think greasy burgers and fries won’t make a difference when it comes to conceiving a baby, but there’s evidence that certain fats found in fast food affect ovulation by causing inflammation in the uterus (and also because they aren’t great for your heart).

Eat more protein, fruits, and veggies.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is one of the best things you can do for your body. When it comes to getting pregnant, eating well is just as important as staying active.

Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals that help keep your body in tip-top shape — both now and later on down the road when you’re trying to conceive. They’re also low in calories and fat, which means they won’t make you gain weight (which could make it harder for sperm to swim). And if you eat enough fruits? You’ll be getting plenty of fiber too! Fiber helps keep blood sugar levels stable so they don’t spike or drop too quickly–and that’s good news for sperm production too!

Cut down on the booze (if possible).

Alcohol can interfere with ovulation and disrupt hormone levels, which in turn can cause a drop in estrogen. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to infertility. If you are trying to conceive, it’s best to cut down on your intake of alcohol as much as possible.

Quit smoking cigarettes and check out e-cigarettes instead (if you need help quitting).

If you’re a smoker, it’s important to know that smoking cigarettes can harm your fertility. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals–including heavy metals and other toxins that can damage egg quality as well as sperm motility.

E-cigarettes are a safer alternative for smokers who need help quitting; they contain fewer harmful chemicals than cigarettes do and are less addictive. In fact, many e-cigarette users find them easier than traditional smoking because they don’t produce secondhand smoke or odorize clothes or hair like regular cigarettes do! Plus, e-cigs have been shown to be safe even during pregnancy–while there haven’t been any studies on whether they might impact fertility specifically yet (more research is needed), most doctors recommend using e-cigs instead of traditional ones if possible when trying to conceive because of their lower risk profile overall compared with traditional tobacco products like cigars/cigarsillos/pipes etcetera.

Don’t skip breakfast.

When you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s easy to feel like your body is out of whack. But the truth is that most of the things that can cause infertility are things we have control over–and with a few small changes in your lifestyle, you can help boost your chances of getting pregnant fast.

One way to do this is by eating breakfast every day. Breakfast has been shown time and again as an effective way to help people lose weight and prevent diabetes, but it also has other benefits: studies show that eating breakfast helps improve memory and concentration throughout the day. And if you’re already dealing with infertility issues? Eating a healthy breakfast may help regulate hormones and fight off depression caused by PCOS .

A healthy lifestyle can help you get pregnant faster and reduce your risk of miscarriage later in pregnancy, but it’s not easy to stick with healthy habits when you’re trying to conceive

When you’re trying to conceive, it can be hard to stick with healthy habits. You might not have the time or energy for exercise or meditation when all you want to do is lie on your couch and watch TV. But a healthy lifestyle is important for getting pregnant faster and reducing the risk of miscarriage later in pregnancy–and it will make life easier for both of you once your baby arrives! It will also help boost self esteem as well as physical health by boosting fertility naturally with these simple tips:

  • Make Sleep a Priority: Getting enough rest every night will help regulate hormones that affect ovulation cycles so making sure that both partners get enough sleep each night is key! Make sure there aren’t any electronics turned on (phones/tablets etc) before going to bed because these devices send out light waves which may disrupt melatonin production leading up until bedtime which can disrupt regular circadian rhythms by interfering with natural sleep cycles.* Eat Well: Eating balanced meals throughout each day helps keep blood sugar levels stable so they don’t spike too high causing crashes later down line which could cause fatigue among other things.”


If you’re looking for ways to improve your chances of getting pregnant, taking care of your health is one of the best things you can do. A healthy lifestyle will not only improve your fertility, but it can also make pregnancy safer and more comfortable. And while these tips are great for anyone trying to conceive, they’re especially important if you have trouble getting pregnant or have experienced a miscarriage in the past. If this sounds like something that could help you out, give it a try!


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